Building Analytics of E&M Systems for Optimizing Human Comfort in Workplace Leveraging Spatial and Operational Data

I&T Wish Building Analytics of E&M Systems for Optimizing Human Comfort in Workplace Leveraging Spatial and Operational Data
(REF : W-0003)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges

The objective of the project is to optimize human comfort in workplace leveraging spatial and operational data of E&M systems. The scope of project is summarized below:-

  1. The optimization of human comfort should include but not be limited to temperature, humidity, ventilation and lighting in workplace.
  2. Energy performance of building E&M systems should be taken into consideration in human comfort optimization.
  3. Spatial data for building analytics should be collected from movement and occupancy sensors, the 2D and 3D location of sensors / E&M equipment, etc.
  4. Operational data for building analytics should be collected from BMS and IoT sensors installed or to be installed as recommended after preliminary study.
  5. The building analytics of E&M systems should generate recommendations on necessary installation/relocation/reconfiguration of sensors and E&M equipment/systems.
Expected Outcome

To optimize human comfort in workplace based on building analytics of spatial and operational data of E&M systems

Expected Trial Duration 15 months (Including 10-month system development & production, 1-month installation and calibrations, 3-months trial and 1-month evaluation and adjustments)
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr YUEN Piu Hung, Francis
Position:Electronics Engineer/Building Information Modelling/4
Tel: 28083609
Project Deliverables
  1. To review various leading building analytics software
  2. To collect user requirements and propose system design
  3. To develop an application integrating with spatial data, BMS and IoT sensors for building analytics that supports the features below:
    1. Spatial, BMS and IoT sensors data collection
      • To collect spatial data in relation to the E&M systems and human comfort for analytics by integrating with CAD, BIM, movement and occupancy sensors;
      • To collect real time BMS and IoT sensors data in relation to the E&M systems and human comfort for analytics by integrating with BMS / IoT sensors;
    2. Pattern recognition and diagnosis
      • To develop a robust library of hierarchical, rule-based detection and diagnosis for human comfort optimization that can be adapted to different buildings;
    3. Report generation
      • To generate report that prioritizes recommendation based on human comfort, operation and energy performance, etc;
    4. Open and standardized protocol
      • To open all software developed and allow integration with third party systems to maximize efficiency and benefits;
      • To standardize the protocols for data exchange with third party systems.
Upload Date 2018-03-01
Closing Date 2018-03-15