Online Monitoring of Rail Widths to Prevent Derailment

I&T Wish Online Monitoring of Rail Widths to Prevent Derailment
(REF : W-0017)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges

The objective of the project is to develop a system for online monitoring and detection of rail widths in MTR mainlines, sideways and maintenance depots to prevent derailment of trains.

The system should be able to detect any abnormal conditions in the rail width or the rail fixing system. In the event of an abnormal condition, an appropriate warning should be forwarded to the concerned train driver and the operation control centre for necessary action.

The project calls for a review of methodology for the detection of rail widths and a recommendation of the most suitable detection system for the railway system in Hong Kong.

Expected Outcome To monitor the width of rails of railway line to prevent derailment
Expected Trial Duration 8 months 
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr WONG Chi Leung
Position:Senior Engineer/Railways 14
Tel: 39120618
Project Deliverables

Development of an online monitoring system for rail widths

Upload Date 2018-03-09
Closing Date 2018-03-23