Tamper-proof Electronic Lift Maintenance Logbooks

I&T Solution Tamper-proof Electronic Lift Maintenance Logbooks
(REF: S-0767)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Data availability: Scattered and isolated maintenance records can now be consolidated, recorded with tamper-protection in distributed ledgers, and shared among stakeholders (e.g. EMSD, regulators, lift owners and contractors) in almost real time. Record data is backed up in multiple tamper-protected copies and is resilient to single-point data loss.
  • Data integrity: Using advanced yet proven cryptographic techniques, the data integrity is ensured from the start point captured by registered workers to the end points in blockchain ledger sharing among stakeholders. This minimises legal risk due to data discrepancy and data misrepresentation.
  • Data confidentiality & accountability: Records can only be submitted and assessed by relevant verified parties. Since the identity of the party is verified before joining the blockchain network, personal or organisational accountability of the submitted records is ensured.
  • Offline functionality: The cryptographic library that enables protection against tampering is optimised and built across different platforms, e.g. servers, major mobile app platforms and web browsers. This allows workers to capture tamper-protected records with the mobile app even under poor mobile signal coverage.
  • Intuitive User Experience: The UI/UX of the worker mobile app is designed for those who have no prior knowledge of computers. Intuitive user experience and user-friendliness is emphasised in all our front-end design.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • The first phase is to conduct stakeholders interviews defining requirements in different aspects (e.g. regulations, operation, risk, governance, technology, social, finance), and to execute and evaluate PoC scenarios. Expected outcome: a POC scenario selected from the evaluation process and detailed with high level requirements and stakeholder feedback.
  • The second phase is to develop the technical application according to the POC scenario in phase 1. Expected outcome: 1. POC front-end mobile app(s) and web-based management portal 2. Backend e-submission and storage system enabled by blockchain. 3. API gateway 4. E-submission system integrated with EMSD internal system
  • The third phase is to test the application solution with EMSD and a meaningful number of industrial stakeholders. Expected outcome: Test results and survey feedback
  • The fourth phase is to develop PoC assessment report documenting results and recommendations Expected outcome: an assessment report detailing high level requirements, POC scenario and result, evaluation and recommended next steps.
Additional Solution Information 2020-09-04 Slides for Public.pptx
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Emali.io Limited
Address:Unit 505, 5/F, Fintech Centre, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Lawrence Ma Kwan Ho
Position:Chief Executive Officer
Tel:+852 9411 9249
Email: lawrence.ma@emali.io
Webpage: https://emali.io

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.