5G Smart Glasses with Mixed Reality (MR) / BIM for O&M inspection assistance

I&T Solution 5G Smart Glasses with Mixed Reality (MR) / BIM for O&M inspection assistance
(REF: S-0912)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • High accuracy positioning inside the building and 1:1 display of concealed pipes, equipment, inner decoration, and environment data through MR technology
  • Real-time control of the operation conditions on building assets, and assistance on maintenance management and decision
  • BIM model is precisely applied in the building inspection and maintenance, which allows reliable digital assets to exert their influence in inspection, maintenance and management
  • Overall management solution is offered unifying management and control in operation and maintenance.
  • BIM + AR/MR + AIoT platform service for smart construction.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Establish platform for BIM + AR/MR + AIoT platform for design, plainning, construction, maintenance stage
  • Easy mock up BIM model, Understand what to do, Quality control process, site inspection & acceptance via platform.
  • Innovative tools with wide range of choices from Tablet to MR Smart Glasses.
  • Actual site condition & BIM remote comparison, point cloud scanning & modeling if BIM is not available.
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:CSL Mobile Limited
Address:39/F, PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Alan Leung
Position:Sales Manager
Email: alan.mk.leung@hkcsl.com

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.