Baggage Identification and Tracking System

I&T Solution Baggage Identification and Tracking System
(REF: S-0914)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Identify and track the baggage being mistakenly picked up by RFID tag
  • An indoor positioning system to trace the baggage within the baggage reclaim hall by RFID reader
  • Workflow System to identify and trace the baggage and passenger who has taken the baggage
  • Airport staff shall receive push notification in their portable or desktop devices whenever the baggage was passing
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Identify and track the baggage being mistakenly picked up by RFID tag
  • An indoor positioning system to trace the baggage within the baggage reclaim hall by RFID reader
  • Workflow System to identify and trace the baggage and passenger who has taken the baggage
  • Airport staff shall receive push notification in their portable or desktop devices whenever the baggage was passing
Additional Solution Information Proposal_EMSD_Baggage_Tracking_s.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Address:Room 701, Building 10W, Hong Kong Science Park
Contact Person:Alan Lee
Position:Executive Director

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.