RFID Baggage Identification and Tracking System

I&T Solution RFID Baggage Identification and Tracking System
(REF: S-0916)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • RFID Tags will be attached to baggage for tracking
  • RFID Gateways will be installed across the Baggage Reclaim Hall to monitor movement of baggage
  • Baggage Tracking System connects all RFID gateways to track movement of baggage with RFID tags attached
  • Dashboard to show the current location and movement of baggage
  • Alerts will be sent to personnel when specific tags are passing through specific locations
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Objective: Track location and movement of baggage between selected carousel and Customs and Excise control channel.
  • RFID Gateways will be installed around selected carousel and Customs and Excise control channel. The gateways will be used to monitor the location and movement of baggage around the area.
  • It is recommended to select a baggage belt close to the Custom and Excuse control channels. Baggage will have RFID tags attached for tracking. The system will only recognize known tags.
  • Expected Results: Dashboard will pinpoint the location of RFID tagged baggage and record down their movement under the coverage of the installed gateways
  • Expected Results: Alerts will be sent to personnel when baggage with specific tags are passing through predefined location or area
Additional Solution Information Baggage Identification and Tracking System.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:E-Business Solutions Limited
Address:Unit 2105, 21/F, Kowloon Plaza, 485 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Christopher Kwok
Position:Chief Innovation Officer
Email: ckwok@ebsl.hk
Webpage: https://ebsl.hk

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.