Baggage Identification and Tracking System

I&T Solution Baggage Identification and Tracking System
(REF: S-0919)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Our solution provides precise real-time locating system for assets tracking in baggage reclaim hall, by deployment of Bluetooth locators mesh network and baggage BLE tags.
  • When a baggage with tag arrives baggage reclaim hall, its location and direction are periodically measured by Bluetooth locators. Advanced algorithm calculates baggage position with high-accuracy.
  • Passengers able to track their baggage via mobile application. Baggage picked up wrongly by passenger is reported instantly by the mobile application.
  • Monitoring panel and alert mechanism facilitates staffs to find lost items. Staff can search and track a specific asset.
  • Alert system notices staff if any baggage approaching exiting zones of reclaim hall without reclaim by owner.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Well developed and tested prototypes of Bluetooth locators and baggage BLE tags will be provided.
  • Bluetooth locators mesh network will be installed in the environment of trial area. They can discover and communicate with tags. They are pre-calibrated in order to calculate location of tags.
  • A mobile application will be developed for tag registration, baggage tracking and baggage reclaim.
  • A pc monitoring panel with alert system will be developed for baggage tracking.
Additional Solution Information SmartTrack_public_v1_0.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Eternal Harvest Corporation Limited
Address:Flat A 13/F The Verandah Garden, 42 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong, HK
Contact Person:Shanshan Lau
Position:Firmware Manager
Tel:6431 8291

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.