Feasibility Study on the Cooling Performance using Hydrocarbon Refrigerant with the Effect of Magnetic Field

I&T Solution Feasibility Study on the Cooling Performance using Hydrocarbon Refrigerant with the Effect of Magnetic Field
(REF: S-1003)
Matched I&T Wish
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Feasibility study on the cooling performance with the effect of magnetic field for hydrocarbon refrigerant
  • Design and build up the experimental setup for cooling performance investigation for cooling system on domestic electrical appliance, e.g. refrigerator with hydrocarbon refrigerant
  • Cooling Performance Analysis (1) Evaluation of the power consumption of the compressor (2) Evaluation of the cooling rate to a specific temperature
  • Energy efficiency test, if the effect of magnetic field for hydrocarbon refrigerant enhancing the cooling performance is confirmed in the evaluation, energy efficiency test in respect of the requirements on energy efficiency labelling will be conducted by independent party with competent in relevant test
  • The energy efficiency test for both the electrical appliance with and without magnetic field will be conducted
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • One detailed feasibility study report with data, graphical presentation and conclusion will be provided
  • Recommendation such as the most suitable magnitude of the magnetic field will be provided if appropriate
  • Energy efficiency test reports, if applicable
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Smart City Division
Address:4/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Mr. LI KWAN TAI
Position:Engineering Manager
Tel:2788 5793
Email: ktli@hkpc.org
Webpage: www.hkpc.org

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