People counting and flow management video analytics system

I&T Solution People counting and flow management video analytics system
(REF: S-1091)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • People counting and flow direction detection based on video analytics
  • Portable system design for highly mobilised and easy setup
  • Edge computing capability in each camera system to provide timely detection result and to reduce bandwidth requirement or using LoRaWAN
  • Centralised database and processing server at headend to store and to analyze counting and people statistics from multiple video camera system
  • A web based centralised user interface system with dashboard for end user to visualize counting and flow statistics, as well as alert information from multiple camera systems.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • 2 camera systems for human counting and flow detection plus headend server with user interface platform will be developed as project deliverables
  • The 2 camera systems shall have the acceptable detection accuracies of the human counting, flow direction and crowd density set forth by the government's end user
  • The web based user interface with dashboard software to display required data statistics and alert information
  • 2 camera systems shall be seamlessly connected to the government's GWIN and using this network to exchange data with headend server
  • A field trial of the 2 camera systems in the selected location, such as parks in Hong Kong, should be conducted to prove the robustness of the system in term of human counting and flow estimation accuracy, stability of GWIN connectivity and system performance in outdoor environment
Additional Solution Information IRL_BR_20210616-20220615.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Insight Robotics Limited
Address:Unit 316, Building 16W, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park
Contact Person:William Tao

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.