Walker Robot with 4 Legs

I&T Solution Walker Robot with 4 Legs
(REF: S-1129)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • A life-size walker robot with 4 legs that can move around non-flat terrains
  • Visually navigate the terrain with the help of wifi beacons
  • Visually recognize cars, visitors, or trespassers
  • Speech recognition and generation to talk with visitors / drivers
  • Unique appearance that can attract tourism
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • build and test movement of 4 legs with motor, clutch and pulley mechanism (16 months)
  • develop software for visual recognition of visitors, vehicles, and terrain (3 months)
  • train and test visual navigation by machine learning (16 months)
  • develop and test speech recognition and generation software (3 months)
  • build robot outer shell with light plastic material (6 months)
Additional Solution Information AT-AT.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Hong Kong Technologies Centre Limited
Address:7B Clear View, Discovery Bay
Contact Person:Yan King-Yin
Position:AI researcher
Email: generic.intelligence@gmail.com

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.