AI Speech Analytics System for Call Analytics and Transcription

I&T Solution AI Speech Analytics System for Call Analytics and Transcription
(REF: S-1130)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Leverage Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technologies, auto detect the languages (Cantonese, English, Putonghua) being spoken, and transcribe customer inquiries to text.
  • Analyse and understand conversation context with Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies.
  • Leverage NLP, conduct Quality Assurance (QA) by automatically analyse every conversation between clients and agents, and evaluate the performance of agents and client satisfaction.
  • Automatically classify the call nature, understand what are the hot topics, trends and other insight
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Upload phone call audio files into the system, automatically transcribe the audio to text, including mixed language scenario. The proposed solution should return the transcription according to the spoken language(s)
  • In mono recording audio files, able to indicate different speakers in the audio files, i.e. agent and client. The speaker role should be shown in the transcription.
  • Detect specific content and characteristics in the conversation, e.g. greeting, wrap up message, silence time, speech speed etc. The proposed solution should customize a score card function to detect these.
  • If any sensitive keyword is spoken, the proposed solution should able to detect it and show alert to draw supervisor/manager’s attention
Additional Solution Information Callinter_White_Paper_v20.11.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Fano Labs Limited
Address:Units 1507 - 1511, 15/F, 19W, 19 Science Park Avenue West, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Charles Wong
Position:Business Development Director

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.