Asset Management System of Fire-fighting Tools and Rescue Equipment on Fire Appliances

I&T Solution Asset Management System of Fire-fighting Tools and Rescue Equipment on Fire Appliances
(REF: S-1159)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Stick or fasten various type of RFID tags with unique ID to different kinds of fire-fighting tools and equipment, depends on the shape, types and materials of the tools
  • All equipment and fire-fight tools are record into the inventory system first, marking their information such as types, purchase date, expiry date place of origin etc.
  • Front-End Mobile application and Windows application for record the inventory of fire-fight tools and equipment, information is uploaded via 5G/4G ethernet to the databse server.
  • Back-end web portal to track and trace the inventory .
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Make it more efficient and effortless for counting and recording the tools and equipment.
  • Real time monitoring via the inventory system, provide better traceability of tools and equipment.
  • A "Big Data" of how the firefighting tools and equipment are using, for future analysis and development, e.g. AI analysis for the durability of the tools, alert if tools are missing etc.
Additional Solution Information EMSD_FireFightingTools_RFIDAssestManagement (1).pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Maple Tree IOT Limited
Address:Workshop F, 5/F, Good Harvest Centre, 33 On Chuen Street, Fanling, NT
Contact Person:Norman Lee

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.