Smart Lifts & Escalators Design Approval Platform

I&T Solution Smart Lifts & Escalators Design Approval Platform
(REF: S-1214)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • The Smart Lifts & Escalators Design Approval Platform is implemented with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data technologies
  • OCR Feature: OCR technology shall be used to facilitate specific data extraction from the submitted design documents
  • Automatic Approval Feature: The platform provides an automatic approval function for vetting of the submitted technical documents
  • The platform supports e-submission of type approval application such as receiving documents for equipment details and specifications
  • System database include data for verifying compliance, issuing approval, and up-keeping records
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • The Smart Lifts & Escalators Design Approval Platform is implemented with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data technologies
  • OCR Feature: OCR technology shall be used to facilitate specific data extraction from the submitted design documents
  • Automatic Approval Feature: The platform provides an automatic approval function for vetting of the submitted technical documents
  • The platform supports e-submission of type approval application such as receiving documents for equipment details and specifications
  • System database include data for verifying compliance, issuing approval, and up-keeping records
Additional Solution Information Proposal_EMSD_AI_OCR_SmartLiftApprovalPlatform.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Address:Room 701, Building 10W, Hong Kong Science Park
Contact Person:ALAN LEE

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.