Vision based Real Time Trespassing Detection System for Peak Tram

I&T Solution Vision based Real Time Trespassing Detection System for Peak Tram
(REF: S-1261)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Vision based real-time detection for Trespassing activities. It can achieve high accuracy and operate in day time and night time
  • System alert through UI and Message to notify the duty officer and driver effectively, Driver and duty officer can have better decision making to reduce the impact of the trespassing events
  • The system is completely stand-alone system and easy to deploy. Additional interface with camera is reserved for additional camera deployment
  • All the data is well protected with the access control
  • The system is able to work under adverse weather condition
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Installation and trial run on the selected location.
  • A stand-alone vision system can detect the trespass activities with the accuracy of around 90%
  • Fine tuning will be conducted after soft launch and feedback from user will be collected to enhance the user experience and accuracy
  • A final report to conclude the appropriate technology, system design and configuration, effectiveness of the trial system, constraints, estimated implementation cost
  • The project should be completed within 12 months
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:NY Technology Limited
Address:Room 510, Wayson Commercial Building, 28 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Lam Ho Lok

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.