A.I. Peak Tram Trespassing Detection System

I&T Solution A.I. Peak Tram Trespassing Detection System
(REF: S-1264)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Use of objection detection model for detecting trespass activities
  • Real-time monitoring system in control room
  • Real-time local alarm in contol room if there is any trespass activities
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Notify duty officers in the control room to remove the potential dangers detected
  • Notify Peak Tram driverson tram avoiding entering the affected track
Additional Solution Information Proposal for Trespassing Detection System for Peak Tram.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:REC Green Technologies Company Limited
Address:Units A-D, 15/F, Goodman Kwai Chung Logistics Centre, 585-609 Castle Peak Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., H.K.
Contact Person:Tung Wing Han, Cindy
Position:Engineer II
Email: cindytung@rec-eng.com
Webpage: https://www.rec-gt.com/

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