e-Intelligent Counting on Opening of Glazed Entrance Doors in Shopping Centres of Public Rental Housing Estates

I&T Solution e-Intelligent Counting on Opening of Glazed Entrance Doors in Shopping Centres of Public Rental Housing Estates
(REF: S-1317)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • AI system to detect door open and close
  • Count the number of door open/close for a day
  • Detection of failure for door hinges
  • Notify Housing Department staff on detection
  • Report System
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Video Analytic AI system that can detect door open and close
  • Door of mall opened and closed are count per day
  • Enforce door hinges failure detection
  • Notification to staff via messaging
  • Reporting and Database System
Additional Solution Information Proposal_VA_HousingDoorCount.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Address:Room 701, Building 10W, Hong Kong Science Park
Contact Person:Alan Lee
Email: alan.lee@risksis.com
Webpage: www.risksis.com

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.