Employing e-Intelligent Counting on Opening of Glazed Entrance Doors in Shopping Centres of Public Rental Housing Estates

I&T Solution Employing e-Intelligent Counting on Opening of Glazed Entrance Doors in Shopping Centres of Public Rental Housing Estates
(REF: S-1320)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Develop an AI intelligent system to count the number of usage in each day, to formulate inspection and maintenance strategies
  • Combine image analysis and sensor approaches to assess accuracy in cost-effectiveness ways
  • Use a camera that supports 5G + LoRa to ensure the transmission is fast and stable
  • A wireless door sensor that supports the LoRa protocol is placed at the junction of the door to detect usages. It also send notifications to staff when damage detected
  • Support API connections of statistical data of various glass doors to the current data platform used by the Housing Authotity
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Provide glass door switch, damage and analysis, and statistical results to reduce damage rate and downtime
  • Integrating image analysis and sensor approaches allows us to do cross-validations to identify more accurate and cost-effective ways
  • Provide API to connect the collected and statistical data of various glass doors to the current platform used by the Housing Authority
  • Data Platform which are more easy to use and scenario understanding
Additional Solution Information EMSD_公共租住房屋屋邨商場玻璃大門開關次數智能統計.docx (2).docx
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Geoxpert Limited
Address:Flat / RM11A 09F, Wah Wai Centre, 38-40 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, New Terrirories
Contact Person:Chan Kwok Yee
Email: kychan@geoxpert.com
Webpage: https://www.geoxpert.com/

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.