Mitigating Light Nuisance of External Lighting Installations (Smart City)

I&T Solution Mitigating Light Nuisance of External Lighting Installations (Smart City)
(REF: S-1367)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Focus on the develop of technology and instrument that can help to measure quantitatively the brightness, color temperature, and flicking rate of the illumination environment.
  • The new device can be installed on lamppost, patrol car, or drone, with real time data transmitted through NBIOT or LoRa (GWIN), and thus facilitate the necessary regulation enforcement with “quantifying enforcement parameters”
  • The proposed “brightness - color temperature - flicking rate” monitoring device and technology can later form a “City Illumination Monitoring Network" to supplement the exiting “Sky Brightness Monitoring Network” developed by HKU.
  • With the synergy of both “Sky” & “City" monitoring networks, the professionals and the citizens can then work collectively to fight against light nuisance.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Make use of optical detector, drone and wireless communication technology to identify sources of light nuisance and reduce the light pollution.
  • Control the direction of illumination by adding shield/mask/curtain.
  • Minimize blue light emissions: monitor the color temperature quantitatively and then enforce on regulations
  • Minimize the flicking rate: monitor the flicking rate quantitatively and then enforce on regulation.
Additional Solution Information EEB - InT Wish (Mitigating Light Nuisance of External Lighting Installations).pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Dr. Chun ZHANG
Address:5/F Photonics Center, 2 Science Park East Ave, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Stephen Siu
Position:Manager of Smart City

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.