Outdoor illuminance Measuring Robot

I&T Solution Outdoor illuminance Measuring Robot
(REF: S-1346)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Auto navigation
  • Grid LUX Measure at Waypoint
  • Robot record illuminance level for analysis
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Can scan the dimension of subway and calculate required illuminance grid size and total measurement points required with reference to highways GIS data.
  • The robot will follow the calculated path to measure the illuminance level and display the overall lux level and uniformity of the lighting installation.
  • The measured value will compare with the simulation / standard adopted to show the compliance of lighting requirements.
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:RV Automation Technology Co. Ltd.
Address:Unit 213, 16W Phase 3, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Chau Ting Hon
Email: riochau@rvautotech.com
Webpage: www.rvautotech.com

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