Smart Registration System for Registered Vehicle Mechanics (RVMs) and Registered Vehicle Maintenance Workshops (RVMWs)

I&T Solution Smart Registration System for Registered Vehicle Mechanics (RVMs) and Registered Vehicle Maintenance Workshops (RVMWs)
(REF: S-1372)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Support various uploading format : pdf / jpg
  • Accuracy: Photo (Features) > 90% ;Text: Hand Writing > 90% & Computer Font > 99%
  • Support continuous learning after deployment
  • All the Data extracted will be transferred through direct interfaces API to other system (e.g. SAP/ERP) or the Data can be exported in a standard format (excel/csv) for further processing.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Trained OCR engine to capture required data from the pre-defined applications forms;
  • Trained AI model(s) to capture required data from the supporting documents (training certificates, business registration certificates);
  • Trained image recognition engine to detect the required object in the site photos;
  • An overall of 90% or above accuracy is preferred;
  • Implementation of frontend interface for handling applications from the trade and backend system to provide dashboard, reporting, data storage and analysis for EMSD staff.
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Green AI Technology Limited
Address:FLAT/RM B, 4/F, Yee Wah Industrial Building, 18 SAN ON STREET, TUEN MUN
Contact Person:Cola Lam
Position:Co-founder and CEO

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.