Multi-Sensory Analytics together with Autonomous Drone

I&T Solution Multi-Sensory Analytics together with Autonomous Drone
(REF: S-1459)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Comply monitoring requirements and More e.g. verifying PPE, abnormal behaviours, dwell time using fixed camera video analytics or Autonomous Drone with camera. Our Smell Sensor (re: picture) for air analyzing complex chemical mixtures to confirm if air quality is normal, toxic or harmful. Our AI can assist maintenance work.
  • Use camera at the entrance to make sure that the safety gears (PPE) are properly worn by the contractors. When certain PPE is missing or not worn, the system will raise real tune alert to the supervisor. Access is granted when all PPE are properly worn.
  • Use smell sensor to analyze & monitor the air quality 24x7. Real time Alert will be sent to the supervisor if air quality is considered toxic or harmful. The Video Analytics system can then prepare the evacuation plan and will disallow any contractors from entering during evacuation.
  • Autonomous Drone can reach any narrow & confined spaces where human would find it difficult to access (re : video links provided) The camera equipped on the drone can plot a 3D map of the surrounding, allowing the supervisor to have better understanding of the environment.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Trial of Visual based AI (e.g. standard PPE) can be conducted immediately without the need to supply ANY datasets for deep learning or expensive investment in equipment. (re : our unique Hybrid AI approach). The Smell AI will require training to recognize specific smell, not in the trial unless request.
  • Trial plan that will allow you to measure the performance of our Analytics through three crucial factors: Detection Accuracy, False Alarm Rate and Missed Detection. Our AI is equipped with Nuisance Alarm Minimization System (NAMS) that can differentiate real intruders from other false alarms caused by environmental factors.
  • Our Analytics system can be setup to run on a notebook or edge computer & it can easily ingest and analyze either using Live or recorded video. To make the trial easier and more precise, we will stage the most realistic scenarios & record them with you.
  • We will prepare you a test plan of how to stage each possible scenarios seeking for your approval before. These scenarios will include at least the followings: PPE, Dwell time and Evacuation management
  • Additionally you can supply us with more scenarios to test out. You can record our AI performance based on the given assessment sheet/score sheet.
Additional Solution Information WildFaces Multi-Sensory AI for EMSD - air quality.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:WildFaces Technology Limited
Address:Unit 22, Level 6, Core C, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Eric Wong
Position:Senior AI Business Consultant
Tel:+852 8216 2219

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.