Smart Patrol & Meter-Reading using Drone with Multi-Sensory Analytics

I&T Solution Smart Patrol & Meter-Reading using Drone with Multi-Sensory Analytics
(REF: S-1613)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Using an autonomous drone (totally unmanned), we can plot a 3D map of the surrounding area while navigating through and avoiding obstacles in confined spaces. This drone has a camera able to read various types of meters, recognize values accurately and record in an excel file
  • The drone can capture the various meters in the sewage treatment work. The footage will be sent back to the server to process with our existing OCR capabilities to extract the number out from the meter. The number can later be exported to an excel sheet for reporting purposes
  • For the drone to work with NO human intervention, we can provide a schedule function to enable the system to start during that particular time. By strategically placing beacons in designated locations, the drone can be programmed to route through each beacon point capturing the videos/images of the meters.
  • Using a drone to capture the videos/images of the meters will allow consistency in terms of camera’s angle and view. This targeted approach can pinpoint and examine the exact spot for reading the number of the meters.
  • It can analyze abnormal human behaviours (e.g. trapped workers) or detect the health of E&M equipment. Our smell sensor can analyze complex chemical mixtures mixtures in the surroundings to analyze air quality. Incidents can be captured and alerted to someone for immediate action to be taken.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Our visual-based AI algorithms are ready-to-deploy. The trial can show how each part of our algorithms work. We simulate moving scenes similar to a drone's view to show how scenarios are done in real life: holding a phone and walking around reading a meter
  • Producing a trial plan can measure the performance of our Analytics through three factors: Detection Accuracy, False Alarm Rate and Missed Detection. Our AI is equipped with a system that can differentiate false alarms caused by environmental factors. This will ensure utmost accuracy and reliability by minimizing unwanted alarms.
  • Our system can run on a notebook or edge computer. It can easily ingest and analyze using live or recorded video. Trials can be conducted without expensive equipment. The drone can be shown on video overseas as the rules for flying a drone in HK are strict
  • . Meter-reading is very specific to your environment so it will require further understanding of the types of the meter to see if we can make use of our existing AI modules. System must be trained for each type of the meter in order for system to read its numbers.
  • We will prepare you a test plan of how to stage each possible scenario seeking for your approval beforehand. Additionally, you can supply us with more scenarios to test. You can record our AI performance based on the given assessment sheet/score sheet
Additional Solution Information WildFaces Video References.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:WildFaces Technology Limited
Address:Unit 22, Level 6, Core C, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Eric Wong
Position:Senior AI Business Consultant
Tel:+852 8216 2219

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.