Smart Lift / Elevator Cloud Based Monitoring

I&T Solution Smart Lift / Elevator Cloud Based Monitoring
(REF: S-0207)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • A proven smart lift/ elevator solution has been developed over 20 years from Germany
  • Data generated by ISO 18738 ride quality measurement are for analyzing status of elevator and of its components & sub-systems
  • Non-intrusive sensors capture data, which analyse of parameters and predict future failure, allowing for optimized maintenance
  • Monitoring and performance tracking across different lift / elevators generations, models and brands
  • Life sensors suite with edge analytics capability (handling >200 Key Evaluation Parameters) is connected to the IoT platform through 4G
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Sensors measuring acceleration & vibration, door condition, leveling measurement, rope condition and load
  • Real-time monitoring of lift / elevator operations allows overview of operative state and captures data for predictive analysis
  • Automatic events identification and real time alerts
  • Graphical dashboard, incl condition monitoring, error analysis, optimized lift givesoverview of the lifts’ performance and maintenance activities
  • The dashboard for Facility Managers, Operators, Maintenance Crew is available through laptops, mobile phones, or tablets anywhere, anytime
Additional Solution Information SmartLift-WISX_innoportal.pptx
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:INFA Systems Limited
Address:17/F, 169 Electric Road, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Kenneth Tsang
Position:Head of Sales and Marketing
Tel:2231 0808

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.