Power Rejuvenation Device – Emissions Reduction and Fuel Saving

I&T Solution Power Rejuvenation Device – Emissions Reduction and Fuel Saving
(REF: S-0214)
Matched I&T Wish
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Smart Power Regeneration Device improves combustion performance of engine by mixing nebulized Ultrafine Bubble (UFB) water into the ignition chamber, so as to achieve fuel saving, and reduce harmful gas emissions such as CO, SOx and NOx.
  • The device can help to remove the carbon deposits of the engine, restore engine efficiency and extend engine’s liftetime.
  • User-friendly installation, no alternation of the engine system is required.
  • Equipped with fuel consumption monitoring system (GPOT) that provides real-time monitoring of engine utilization and fuel consumption
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • 1.Optimized Power Rejuvenation Device prototype and Ultrafine Bubble (UFB) water concentration.
  • 2.The effectiveness of harmful gas emissions reduction and fuel saving. The evaluation will be conducted on both engine dynamometer and transient chassis dynamometer.
  • 3.Guideline of the application of Power Rejuvenation Device in fuel consumed equipment
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:M POWER MFG LIMITED
Address:Unit 802,8/F,Building 16W,16 Science Park West Avenue,Hong Kong Science Park,Psk Shek Kok,N.T Hong Kong
Contact Person:Man Ching Yi wendy
Email: manchingyiwendy@163.com

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.