Cremation Process Automation System

I&T Solution Cremation Process Automation System
(REF: S-0236)
Matched I&T Wish
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Cremation Automation System analyses real time cremation images and automatically control air-flaps to fully automate the cremation PLC control process. Optimization goal is to reduce the overall cremation time and pollution/emission.
  • The system consists of: 1. Input IP cameras, which capture input images through live streaming. 2. Computation GPU Server, which runs a Convolution Neural Network that will classify the camera images to determine the state of the cremation process and responses. 3. Air-flap Control Output GUI to control PLC.
  • The first stage of the project will involve data collections and CNN model design and development. Image and coffin content data will be collected from all 6 chambers for training (to avoid over-fitting to certain chamber’s data set)
  • The second stage will involve model training and trial runs. Initially trained model will be used to provide AI generated air-flap control outputs and be imported into PLC for automated controls. Data will be collected through trial runs and results will be collected for further optimization.
  • The final stage involves analyzing the initial model’s results and collecting additional training samples for further optimization on cremation time and emission. We will correlate the results with coffin/body weights, type, sizes, preservative level to identify trends and optimization strategy.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • The trial stage will involve model training and trial runs. Initially trained model will be used to provide AI generated air-flap control outputs to be imported into PLC for automated controls. Data will be collected through trial runs and results will be collected for further optimization.
  • The deliverables will include CNN model, server hardware, Tomcat Application Software server for video stream decode, classification/response generation, CMS for stream/processing thread monitoring and user manual and training/troubleshoot documents
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Hampen Technology Corporation Limited
Address:5B, Mackenny Centre, 660 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon.
Contact Person:Felix Chow
Tel:9186 3684

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.