Customization for AI Training, Integration of System into Existing Architecture

I&T Solution Customization for AI Training, Integration of System into Existing Architecture
(REF: S-0237)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Smoke and Fire Software detects the characteristics of the cremation process.
  • 140 Non Motion Detection Software detects the object movement and density.
  • Customization for AI Training to allow more resources to be allocated to project.
  • Integration of System Into Existing Architecture in the crematorium.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • We use an advanced patented Artificial Intelligence WildAI capability which combines the different types of thinking that humans use, not only memory and experience (which is what Deep Learning is based) but we use combinations of inductive, deductive and other types of logic in different combinations as well. This pre-packaged WildAI capability can ensure faster and successful deployment without spending massive time on data collection, labelling and training.
  • By monitoring the cremation status, we could check on how specific parameters such as more air/oxygen or diverting airflow could be manipulated to optimize the cremation process. Achievable by detecting the differences in mass (darker regions) and the thermal output whilst comparing these with the predefined optimum cremation process.
  • We will benchmark the available data to compare efficiency. KPI could be gas emissions, resultant residue after cremation and man hours used.
  • We are General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. However as there are no visual identification of individuals in this process, our systems are designed to protect sensitive data using a combination of techniques including passwords and encrypted handshakes between client and server systems.
Additional Solution Information WildFaces i-Cremation Proposal 20190910.pptx
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Wildfaces Technology Limited
Address:Unit 12, Level 9, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, HK
Contact Person:Ivy Li / Ken Or
Position:Executive Director / Director of Strategy
Tel:8216 2219

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.