Voice Recognition Anywhere and Secured Mobile App for Instant Communications

I&T Solution Voice Recognition Anywhere and Secured Mobile App for Instant Communications
(REF: S-0238)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • The solution provides a Secured Mobile App with photo taking functions, instant communication, fault reporting, job dispatching and issue status tracking functions, this can help in communicating with the Customer about case status, follow up actions, exact and accurate description of the reported fault.
  • A single solution allows input of both Voice and Written/Typed notes to report fault.
  • Typing each observation into text during the fault reporting is sometimes not efficient as making a phone to person, however, by using voice recognition to fill out forms instead of typing can definitely enhance and improve the fault reporting efficiency.
  • The voice input and written/typed notes can be transformed and extracted and passed to the proposed NLP system for analysis against predefined business rules or other predefined set of classification rules.
  • The solution can interactively guide the Customer to provide enough information during the fault reporting.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Some of the staff may not be very good at typing, therefore, using voice input can help those staff to input inspection data effectively.
  • The speech the Customer speak is automatically typed into any standard form on the mobile application. You can also control the mobile application with voice commands.
  • The solution allows Customer to focus on the observation of fault reporting and use their preferred way to express the observation results, i.e. a voice clip, some written notes.
  • The solution leverages on advanced NLP technology to process the voice slip or written notes, extracted required information and help fill in the required electronic form accordingly, which helps fulfil the EMSD fault reporting expectation to consolidate all required information into CRM in an organized way.
  • The solution can help to minimize the chance of missing required information during the fault reporting process.
Additional Solution Information Additional Information.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Nexify Limited
Address:Unit F-H, 30/F, Cos Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street
Contact Person:Yanis Ho
Position:Sales Excutive
Tel:2152 3857
Email: yho@nexify.com.hk
Webpage: www.nexify.com.hk

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.