Enabling Traceability of Specimen Transfer by UHF RFID Technology

I&T Solution Enabling Traceability of Specimen Transfer by UHF RFID Technology
(REF: S-0256)
Matched I&T Wish
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Using RFID tags (which QR code, barcode and other information can be printed on the label) on each specimen bag, the tags carries the information of the specimen after configuration. By using fixed reader or handheld reader to track the specimen in real time or check-point basis.
  • Fixed-reader can be installed in the van and keep checking the specimen second-to-second. It will compare with the database to check if there is any mis-delivered or missed out specimen. If the specimen is disappeared for e.g.10 seconds, the system behind will send email or SMS to the delivery staff.
  • Handheld reader can be used in check-point basis. It will only take about 30 second to scan all the tags inside the van. With the help of the mobile application, it will check if there is any mis-delivered or missed out specimen.
  • The RFID reader can detect the tag which store in the freeze. To convince the usage and lower the cost, the clinic or laboratory can use the QR code or barcode which is printed on the tags.
  • When every transfer is completed, there will be a confirmation email for the both sides. Or if a portable printer is installed, a receipt can be printed for the receiver and shipper.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Install the RFID fixed reader and the peripheral device (e.g. local server, electricity supply…) into the van (better to perform it by EMSD) and tune the best position, power and angle of antenna by QBS.
  • Develop a web portal for the user to view the current status of each tag and trace the specimen
  • Distribute a handheld scanner to the delivery staff. Using our suggesting flow, to see if this flow will affect their daily operation and will revise the workflow.
  • A full trial will be carried out through the whole process in one of the vans. Our team will follow the van whole day. We will gather the opinion from all the parties and have adjustment according to the opinion.
  • Networking is a key part for checking the discrepancy. Dedicated personnel need to go through all the place for the transaction (clinic to van, van to van and van to hospital) to check if it has good coverage of signal.
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:QBS System Limited
Address:Unit 327, 3/F., Building 16W, 16 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin
Contact Person:Frank So
Position:Project Assistant
Tel:+852 6380 6769
Email: frank.so@qbssystem.com
Webpage: www.qbssystem.com

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.