Smart Drainage – Flood Monitoring System Interface

I&T Solution Smart Drainage – Flood Monitoring System Interface
(REF: S-0626)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • This project is proposed to use database servers to collect data from existing IoT devices by LoRaWAN connection with an interface (mobile app and web) for system monitoring.
  • The interface contains a GIS platform to display and analyze data trend.
  • Data includes – hydrometric data and images of each sensor from 500 locations
  • Preprocess data and export data in terms of API (e.g. MQTT or HTTP, with JSON)
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Sensor data will be transfer from sensor node to LoRaWAN gateway
  • Gateway transfer data back to network server
  • Application server obtain payload form network server and data will be shown on the interface
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Yocto Works
Address:706 Sui Fai Factory Estate 5-13 Shan Mei Street Fo Tan Sha Tin
Contact Person:Chan Cheuk Yin (Sam))

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