Artificial Intelligence Construction Drawings Vetting

I&T Solution Artificial Intelligence Construction Drawings Vetting
(REF: S-0644)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Our GUI enabled software enables the user to manage drawings by project and time, making it easier to track any changes throughout each update of the construction drawings.
  • Using state-of-the-art RCNNs for object detection and transformer-based language generation technologies, our solution reads a series of construction drawings to identify changes, and express these changes with words.
  • RCNNs, also known as Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks, are proven to have a higher accuracy as well as faster performance than conventional Convolutional Neural Networks.
  • Should there be a need to expand to 3D construction drawings, RCNNs are extremely well suited to identify objects and text in "wild' environments such as photos
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • We recommend to conduct the trial on the accuracy and efficiency of the RCNNs in identifying the differences in given construction drawings
  • We believe the RCNNs are the key components of the project as they provide the analysis on the changes in the given construction drawings
  • Once we prove the accuracy and efficiency of RCNNs, the main objective of the project will be accomplished - Analyzing construction drawings
  • Although text generation is also a main objective of the project, the transformer model can simply learn from a given database of jargon, hence its accuracy can be maintained at a high standard
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Nysus Limited
Address:Unit 206B2, 2/F. Tower 1, Harbour Centre, 1 Hok Cheung Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Isaac To
Position:Head of AI

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.