3D Spatial Intelligence System Platform for flow and traffic management

I&T Solution 3D Spatial Intelligence System Platform for flow and traffic management
(REF: S-0720)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • 3D Spatial Intelligence Platform is a computer vision-based flow and traffic management solution.
  • The platform makes use of multiple 3D Semantic Laser Cameras and an intelligence embedded processing unit to create real-time regional live map with all people, vehicles and items.
  • The platform delivers real-time predictive analytics, KPI, alerts and queries for end-user to take the best decisions.
  • The real-time situation awareness capability assists end-user to visualize real-time footfall, waiting time, individual and aggregated behavior, to spot key events that require attention.
  • The platform detects and understands the interactions between persons and objects to guide the optimization of any facilities, assets’ usage and usage experience. The security awareness of the platform provides timely alert and tracking without the need of visual camera.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • 3D Spatial Intelligence Platform for flow and traffic management can be used in both the outdoor environments, by mounting onto street lamps, and indoor environment in government office buildings.
  • The platform monitors the flow of people and vehicles by only using 3D laser sensor. It can track and detect any event and item being interested by end-user for security and flow control measurements.
  • As 2D visual camera may not be required and most of the detection and video will be processed within the camera itself, our solution can help to reduce the privacy concerns of the general public while achieving the needs of flow and security management required by end-user.
  • The major deliverables include the 3D semantics cameras, the data analytics platform, the graphical user interface and dashboard for image and data visualization
Additional Solution Information Outsight spatial intelligence v6 LD.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Insight Robotics Limited
Address:Unit 316, Building 16W, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park
Contact Person:Tao Wai Yuk William
Position:Chief Operation Officer
Email: william.tao@insightrobotics.com
Webpage: www.insightrobotics.com

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