Location Tracking and Monitoring System

I&T Solution Location Tracking and Monitoring System
(REF: S-0744)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Using Bluetooth positioning technology, the system will store users’ codes of close contacts in the database.
  • When one of the users is diagnosed with an infectious disease, the health center staff can scan the QR code in the user program with the patient's consent.
  • After the case is verified by the staff and system, it will automatically send a message to close contacts to inform users who have been in contact with them that they have been diagnosed, and remind them that they have a chance of being infected.
  • Without disclosing the privacy of the confirmed person, the recipient can still be informed when and where he has the chance to be infected, so that he could test for the virus and quarantined early to avoid infecting others.
  • The program helps track people who have been in close contact with the confirmed case, find the source of infection, and effectively prevent the outbreak of large-scale infectious diseases in HK.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • The programming has been developed, and Android users can download and use it at any time. For Apple users, we need to cooperate with the government in prior to our program release.
  • We hope to cooperate with the Center for Health Protection to match the diagnosis number with the user code of this program, and to track the source more accurately in verifying the confirmed case.
  • The program determines whether the user is in close contact with the user by analyzing the time and distance between the user and nearby users.
  • In terms of privacy, data related to user contact is only kept for 21 days. We aim to help track the source, so users need to declare voluntarily instead of mandatory monitoring.
  • In addition, based on the data of the confirmed person, the program will generate a geographic dashboard to show the different levels of infection in the region in color.
Additional Solution Information HealthTact work-80.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Address:Unit 738, 7/F, Building 19W No. 19 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok
Contact Person:Richard Leung
Tel:+852 3916 7407
Email: info@bnet-tech.com
Webpage: https://bnet-tech.com/en/home/

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.