Blockchain-based digitized document management system

I&T Solution Blockchain-based digitized document management system
(REF: S-0694)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Blockchain (aka distributed ledger technology) : An immutable ledger platform that provides secure storage, privacy-preservation, authenticity guarantee and controlled retrieval/sharing of digitized documents
  • Security : Data is encrypted and securely stored in the local database of an entity such that third-parites do not have access to the platform
  • Real time Updates : Data is added, edited and deleted in real time
  • Interconnectivity : API integration allows entitites to connect directly to their own systems if necessary
  • Traceability : Full record of data access history for audit purpose with timestamp
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • A minimum of two DLT nodes are to be deployed for designated offices of Company A and Company B. DLT nodes and associated components(e.g. database management systems, API gateways, web portals) can be run on the cloud or on-premises. Operations by Company C
  • Private databases are to be deployed with each DLT node. All data are encrypted and stored independently by under each DLT node
  • One web portal and associated API gateway are to be created for independent login by Company A and Company B. Several user accounts to be created according to the need of each entity
  • Files are to be stored at in each designated DLT node (in the format of pdf, doc, excel, etc.) and can be shared and transferred securely between nodes
  • Real time approval of documents with time stamp. All docment access, addition, edit and deletion are to be recorded on the DLT
Additional Solution Information 20200610 EMSD_DLT Solution_W-0268_CryptoBLK Architecture_v5.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:CryptoBLK Ltd
Address:Units 501-510, 5/F, 1E Core Building, 1 Science Park East Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Marco Chan
Position:Head of Business Development and Strategic Partnership

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.