Digitised Record Management System

I&T Solution Digitised Record Management System
(REF: S-0695)
Matched I&T Wish
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Use blockchain to maintain binary data(Digitised Record) such as office document, pdf, image, and drawing files into blockchain.
  • Use permission based blockchain to provide permission control and audit trial on access the binary data
  • Base on blockchain decentralise application feature to provide resilience site and scale up
  • All data are immutable protected by blockchain and cannot be altered
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • EMSD user can upload binary data(Digitised Record) and retrieve from blockchain
  • EMSD user can view the audit log on who to create or access the data
  • EMSD user can trace the version of change of the data.
  • System allow EMSD user to design the permission and configure into blockchain network
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Blockchain Solutions Limited
Address:沙田科學園, 19W, 三樓, 347室
Contact Person:Leo Chan
Position:Head of IT
Email: leo.chan@blkchainsolutions.com
Webpage: https://www.blkchainsolutions.com

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.