Smart Air-filters for Air-handling Unit (AHU)

I&T Wish Smart Air-filters for Air-handling Unit (AHU)
(REF: W-0183)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Traditional filtration inside air handling unit (AHU) mainly depends on the main filter inside air handling unit (AHU), this reduce the service lifetime of main filter.
  • The objective of the project is to extend the services lifetime of main filter in air handling unit (AHU) by increasing the capability of the prefilter.
  • To further enhance the energy-efficiency of the main filter, control logic or a novel mechanism is required to be devised for the operation of main filter.
  • To optimize the operation and evaluate the effectiveness of the deliverables, a real-time monitoring, control and data-logging system is required to be developed. Operation status and data shall be accessible in the website.
Expected Outcome
  1. To enhance the filtration efficiency of AHU pre-filter without increasing its pressure drop in an energy-efficient way.
  2. To enhance the filtration efficiency of AHU main filter without increasing its pressure drop in an energy-efficient way.
  3. To develop a control logic or mechanism for the optimization of main filter's energy-efficiency and operation status.
  4. To develop real-time monitoring, control and data-logging system for the illustration and evaluation of the effectiveness of the technology.
  5. To prepare the submission material for patent application.
Expected Trial Duration 12 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr YIP Kim Ming
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/21
Upload Date 2019-06-20
Closing Date 2019-07-04