Transparent Multifunctional Nanocoating Glass

I&T Wish Transparent Multifunctional Nanocoating Glass
(REF: W-0205)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project aims to develop a transparent multifunctional nanocoating glass with good heat insulation, superior blocking rate of Ultraviolet and Near Infrared radiation, hydrophobic and self-cleaning properties.

The multifunctional nanocoating glass will be evaluated in the trial at EMSD Headquarters and further determine whether the multifunctional nanocoating glass is applicable in Hong Kong.
Expected Outcome Development of environment friendly, robust, transparent multifunctional nanocoating glass to improve heat insulation and self-cleaning properties of glazing facade
Expected Trial Duration 6 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr CHEUNG Ka Ho
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/42
Upload Date 2019-09-11
Closing Date 2019-09-25