Unmanned Aerial Vehicles System for Surveillance of Wild Marine Mammals in Hong Kong

I&T Wish Unmanned Aerial Vehicles System for Surveillance of Wild Marine Mammals in Hong Kong
(REF: W-0212)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department conducts two routine tasks regarding marine mammals in Hong Kong:
  1. monitor the abundance and distribution using vessel base survey along standardized transect lines at sea, and
  2. searching and handling of dolphin/whale stranding cases (live or carcass) upon receiving reports from the public
  1. To develop a stable, long-range, and largely automated UAV system that could collect and analyze reliable field data for species identification (two major species) and studying their occurrences to supplement/enhance the vessel-based survey data,
  2. To use UAV system to assist locating or searching stranded dolphins/whales along the shoreline.
  1. Ability to collect high quality field image/video and analyze for species ID (and other parameters such as body size)
  2. Long, stable and largely automated operation of the system at sea
Expected Outcome A largely automated and long flight time UAV system which could be operated by our staff for long term collection and analysis of field data to help identifying occurrence and distribution of marine m
Expected Trial Duration The project shall be completed within two years.
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Dr. NG Wai Chuen
Position:Marine Conservation Offr (W) 2
Tel:2150 6882

Contact Person:Mr YUEN Wai Yip, Lobee
Position:Senior Engineer/General Engineering Services/Hong Kong 2
Upload Date 2019-09-20
Closing Date 2019-10-04