Development of AI-based Image Analytic System for Cremation System

I&T Wish Development of AI-based Image Analytic System for Cremation System
(REF: W-0219)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
There are 6 coffin cremators and 1 skeleton cremator at Wo Hop Shek Crematorium, which provide cremation services everyday to meet public’s demand. This project aims to design and develop an innovative intelligent cremation system to optimize the existing cremation at Wo Hop Shek Crematorium by applying image analytic and artificial intelligence technologies. The system shall real-time monitor the condition of combustion chamber of each cremator. It can retrieve and analyze the continuous collected images, operation data and gas emission data by leveraging image analytic and artificial intelligence technologies. The system shall evaluate and provide the optimum setting for each cremation and control the cremation intelligently. It finally contributes to optimize the time required for each cremation, reduce the fuel consumption and reduce the pollution emission.
Expected Outcome
To develop an AI-based image analytic system for cremation system, which can real-time monitor and control the cremation intelligently, in order to optimize the time required for each cremation, reduce the fuel consumption and reduce the pollution emission.
Expected Trial Duration 12 months (including system development, model training, installation, test & commissioning, trial and nursing)
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr. CHEUNG Lap Hung
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/3
Tel:3741 8859
Upload Date 2019-10-15
Closing Date 2019-10-29