Design and Build a RFID-Enabled Smart Locker System for Correctional Institutions

I&T Wish Design and Build a RFID-Enabled Smart Locker System for Correctional Institutions
(REF: W-0235)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • The objective of this project is to design and build a smart locker system using specified RFID wristbands to unlock locker cells. The RFID wristbands will be provided by another supplier.
  • The smart locker system should be completed with a system software with an user interface.
  • The design of the system software should be able to meet the operational needs of correctional institutions. The user interface should enable system administrators to register and deregister RFID wristbands in the smart locker system. The system should be able to generate system usage reports.
  • The smart locker system should be made of tamper-proof material.
  • The designs and specifications of the smart locker system should be suitable for deployment in prison environment.
Expected Outcome
  • A smart locker system with relevant software user interface
  • Measurement and verification report for the project
Expected Trial Duration 9 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr YIP Chi Ho, Eric
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/2
Upload Date 2020-01-21
Closing Date 2020-03-06