Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Accident Prevention System for Escalators of MTR Stations

I&T Wish Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Accident Prevention System for Escalators of MTR Stations
(REF: W-0238)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Application of AI technology to analyze instant data of the non-facial recognized object detection system (such as using LIDAR or Radar interlink with thermal camera; or any other similar types of technology) to reduce number of escalator incidents due to losing balance. The instant data collected could be able to determine whether there are elderly, passengers carrying bulky objects, with medical/ physical condition & drunk and with accessible needs, and workers who deliver goods to F&B outlets intending to use escalator. Once the target people are detected, system would inform MTR station staff immediately to provide timely assistance or public address (PA) system will announce caution messages to alert the concerned passengers on safe use of escalator. The new operating procedures and PA messages have to be agreed with MTR. All software, hardware, cablings and installation have to be provided and whole installation has to be stand-alone with DC supply. Trial run would proceed in one of the MTR station. (Selection of location is subject to liaison with MTR) The system would be fine-tuned by comparing real-time site operating data with database built up in testing period to increase accuracy. Final report is required to conclude achievement of the system.
Expected Outcome Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based accident prevention system for escalators of MTR stations to reduce the number of escalator incidents due to losing balance
Expected Trial Duration 18 months (6 months for methodology development and system design & equipment procurement and installation, 3 months for data analysis and evaluation, 7 months for trial operation, 2 months for software and system review)
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr WONG Chi Leung
Position:Senior Engineer/Railways 14
Upload Date 2020-02-13
Closing Date 2020-02-27