Development of Sensor for Preventing Persons in Custody (PICs) from Attempting Improper Acts in Correctional Institutions

I&T Wish Development of Sensor for Preventing Persons in Custody (PICs) from Attempting Improper Acts in Correctional Institutions
(REF: W-0278)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges "Hanging with something (e.g. a bedsheet) tied to some anchorage points (e.g. the window grille bars of cell or the wall-mounted fan)" is one of the major methods of committing self-mutilation in Correctional Institutions. We are searching for innovative I&T solution which could help for ensuring that a sensor would alert correctional officers about any possible attempting self-mutilation through hanging on the wall-mounted fan by PICs. The solution shall monitor and identify certain weight exceeding the predefined value (e.g. the normal minimum weight of an adult person) which in order words meaning a PIC attempting to tie something to the wall-mounted fan in order to commit self-mutilation through hanging and alert the staff around via sounding the sensor.
Expected Outcome
  1. Solution is preferred to adopt video analytic or other suitable technology with sensor.
  2. The sensor in this solution shall be designed to integrate with the CCTV system in control room so as to zoom the CCTV to relevant locations automatically when incident happened.
  3. The solution shall support defining a preset weight in a predefined hazardous zone (which usually around the anchorage point of the wall-mounted fan), i.e. weight higher than certain parameter being set beforehand.
  4. The solution shall support the management of safety stock-taking of the wall-mounted fans. (with unique identification number)
  5. The solution supports monitoring any weight projected on the wall-mounted fan. When something (e.g. a bedsheet) have entered the predefined hazardous zone (which usually around the anchorage point of the wall-mounted fan), the system shall be able to record the weight exerted on the wall-mounted fan particularly at that time in case for any illicit event for future investigation and relevant CCTVs around should pop-up to focus on that designated wall-mounted fan.
Expected Trial Duration six-month duration
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr YIP Chi Ho, Eric
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/2
Upload Date 2020-06-11
Closing Date 2020-06-25