Urinal or pipe blockage detection for Smart Public Toilets

I&T Wish Urinal or pipe blockage detection for Smart Public Toilets
(REF: W-0296)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Urinal or pipe blockage will cause great nuisance to the toilet users and also the maintenance personnel. The clogging and blocking of the urinal or pipe will cause fluid overflow throughout the urinal bowl. By use of the suitable sensing technology, earlier detection of urinal or pipe blockage will help preventive maintenance on toilet facilities, before it comes to a serious problem affecting the public.

We are searching for innovative I&T solution which can help to detect the clogging of the pipe or urinal to help maintenance personnel to clear the clogging situation before it comes to a serious blockage.
Expected Outcome
  1. Solution is preferred to adopt LPWAN technologies (i.e. LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT) in the sensing devices.
  2. The sensing devices for clogging detection should be able to apply to the drainage system in public toilet and also to urinal bowls which pipes are either exposed or covered.
  3. The sensing detection in toilet shall be camera-less technology and non-video based solutions.
  4. The solution shall interface with 3rd party platforms/system for data sharing.
  5. The sensing devices shall be considered to mount securely with sufficient measures to prevent vandalism, and are able to adapt environment in public toilets.
Expected Trial Duration 6-month duration
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr HUNG Wan Man
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/11
Email: wmhung@emsd.gov.hk
Upload Date 2020-08-06
Closing Date 2020-08-20