Detection Technology Application for Enhancing Light Rail Safety

I&T Wish Detection Technology Application for Enhancing Light Rail Safety
(REF: W-0294)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Light Rail is an open railway environment with interfaces with road traffics and pedestrians, and the Light Rail vehicles are manually operated. In order to enhance the Light Rail safety, this project aims at developing a technology application, for example using LiDAR or other detection solution, for detecting any abnormality along Light Rail trackside area that may affect safety or train service.
Expected Outcome Assessments of the performance and the accuracy of the proposed solution through benchmarking with industrial standards and other technologies that serve detection purpose. The physical weight and size of the equipment shall be in one integrated unit that can be flexibly installed at Light Rail trackside. The solution shall be equipped with AI analytics to differentiate abnormal cases from normal train service scenario. Duty operators can obtain alerts about any detected abnormality with the snapshot image and location information for timely follow-up actions. All these information/logs shall be stored in a device to facilitate investigations. On-site support for hardware, software, and system fine-tuning to meet the performance and accuracy requirements shall be provided throughout the trial period.
Expected Trial Duration 4 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr WONG Chi Leung
Position:Senior Engineer/Railways 14
Upload Date 2020-07-31
Closing Date 2020-08-14