Development of Integrated e-Submission System for Maintenance Contractors of Lift & Escalator with Open-Source Blockchain Technology

I&T Wish Development of Integrated e-Submission System for Maintenance Contractors of Lift & Escalator with Open-Source Blockchain Technology
(REF: W-0298)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project is aimed to develop an integrated e-submission system for lift and escalator contractors of EMSD to submit their maintenance records in electronic format. The integrated system should be able to interface with several of EMSD’s internal systems. The front end of this system includes a management web portal and a mobile app in Android, IOS, and HMS version with access control features. The backend infrastructure should be implemented in cloud and the data should be secured by open-source Blockchain technology.

Project Challenges:
  1. Mobile app partial-offline mode. Under a situation of poor signal coverage, the mobile app should run smoothly as normal. The update of maintenance details will automatically be updated to the backend blockchain system.
  2. Utilization of open-source blockchain and smart contract to enhance data security level to ensure all data transactions be logged and render data tampering impossible.
  3. Off-chain RDBMS system for data backup, the data of the RDBMS should be protected from being tampered.
Expected Outcome
  • Development of the frontend mobile app and web-based management portal.
  • Development of the backend open-source blockchain storage system.
  • Development of API gateway.
  • Integration development between EMSD internal systems and e-submission system.
Expected Trial Duration 8 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr WAN Hiu Tung
Position:Electronics Engineer/Information Technology Development/2
Upload Date 2020-08-07
Closing Date 2020-09-04