Online Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification (PITC) for Fixed Electrical Installations

I&T Wish Online Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification (PITC) for Fixed Electrical Installations
(REF: W-0333)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges

Pursuant to the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, owners of electrical installations shall have their installations inspected, tested and certified periodically. Failure to comply with the requirements would present safety hazards resulting in fire or power outage, and the offenders will be prosecuted. However, the electrical system have to be temporary suspended during the PITC in order to ensure the personal safety if the electrical workers and avoid affecting power supply system in case of electrical accident. Since the temporary suspension of power supply will affect the building users, close collaboration between buildings owners, incorporated owners and property management party to work out the power suspension arrangement and temporary measures to meet the building operational needs is necessary.

Expected Outcome

If the PITC could be carried out in "online" mode without any suspension of power supply, the disturbance to the building users resulting from the PITC work could be eliminated. To this end, we are looking for idea, method, system or a set of tools to achieve this objective.

Expected Trial Duration 2 years
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr YU Ho Nam
Position:Engineer/Airport Services 1/1
Upload Date 2020-10-21
Closing Date 2021-04-14