Design and Build Intelligent Reservation System for Breastfeeding Room

I&T Wish Design and Build Intelligent Reservation System for Breastfeeding Room
(REF: W-0325)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project aims to apply IoT (Internet of Things) on innovation design and implements Breastfeeding Room Reservation System, it should be based on below target goals.
  • Embrace Innovation and technology (I&T) to build a world-famed Smart Hong Kong
  • Using touchless technology, to provide the best practice of public hygiene
  • Reduce the waiting time during the peak hours
  • Utilize the capacity during the non-peak timeslot
  • Mother can decide their own timeslot by their need
  • Improve the storing environment at food safety level
  • Make use of energy saving solutions
Expected Outcome Develop a Web Portal with User and Admin interface, Staff and Guest can reserve the breastfeeding room via desktop or mobile by AD login or mobile number. Varies notifications and reminder can be sent to the user. Build for electronic door lock, mobile / card reader, display and IoT sensors are needed. Those are required to monitor and control the room occupancy, lighting, condition of the refrigerator. User can enter the door via mobile or access card.
Expected Trial Duration 6-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Ms CHEUNG Him Wing, Shirley
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/17
Tel:9637 0613
Upload Date 2020-10-12
Closing Date 2020-10-26