Rail Patrol Automation in Light Rail Line

I&T Wish Rail Patrol Automation in Light Rail Line
(REF: W-0362)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project aims to develop an automated system installed in passenger LRV that can carry out the rail patrolling work in MTR Light Rail Line which is being undertaken on foot in a team consisting of competent permanent way staff on a cycle of not more than 96 hours.
Expected Outcome The system shall be able to inspect trackwork components, including rails, switches and crossings, rail fastenings and baseplate assemblies, and the track supporting structures. It shall also be able to check for rail foot corrosion and rail wear and immediately report on all sub-standard conditions requiring further actions.
Expected Trial Duration 18-month
Contact Information
Contact Person:Mr. HW Chan
Position:Head of Operations Innovation Hub
Tel:2993 2378
Email: hwchan@mtr.com.hk
Upload Date 2021-05-18
Closing Date 2021-06-01