Legged Robot for Patrol and Inspection

I&T Wish Legged Robot for Patrol and Inspection
(REF: W-0363)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project aims to develop a legged robot for patrol and inspection to multiple floors. The subject robot shall be able to perform both manual and autonomous task such as climbing stairs, walking uneven roads, country park, then self going and back in indoor or outdoor environment.
Expected Outcome A robotic system shall be designed, developed, constructed, tested and commissioned with appropriate types of operation and battery-driven chassis with processing units including obstacle avoidance, navigation and indoor positioning.
Expected Trial Duration 9-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:LEE Ming Bun, Michael
Position:Engineer/Electrical and Mechanical and Building Services Technology Development/1
Tel:3757 6257
Email: mblee@emsd.gov.hk
Upload Date 2021-05-26
Closing Date 2021-06-09