Voltage Dip ride Through Device

I&T Wish Voltage Dip ride Through Device
(REF: W-0385)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges In Hong Kong, a voltage dip can be triggered by a variety of factors, including environmental factors, equipment and transmission network failures, etc. Voltage dip may have various drawbacks to E&M System, e.g. equipment shut down and disruption on control processes. Voltage dip problems are one of the major concerns in hospital environment. Any interference to the power supply system may cause inevitable impact to the healthcare professional and patient. To minimize the impact caused by the voltage dip, this project shall introduce the Voltage dip ride through device to serval E&M systems in hospital environment.
Expected Outcome
  1. Provide solution for the electricity supply system or/ and individual equipment to ride-through the voltage dip situation
  2. The system should ensure the following system ride-through the voltage dip situation :
    - Chilled water pump with VSD control
    - Ventilation system (AHU and exhaust fan with VSD & VAV box) in Operating Theatre or Airborne Infection Isolation Room
Expected Trial Duration 24-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:LAU Li Hin
Position:Engineer/Health Sector/Kowloon East/6
Tel:3852 2016
Email: lhlau@emsd.gov.hk
Upload Date 2021-09-27
Closing Date 2021-10-11