Fluid Cooled Heatsink LED Lighting Fittings for Outdoor Application

I&T Wish Fluid Cooled Heatsink LED Lighting Fittings for Outdoor Application
(REF: W-0395)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  1. Adoption of the fluid cooled heatsink LED lighting fittings with a view to saving energy and reducing operating and maintenance costs in an outdoor environment.
  2. A laboratory test by an accredited laboratory in Hong Kong on the fluid cooled heatsink LED lighting and other commonly adopted light source(s) in an outdoor environment (e.g. High-pressure sodium vapour lamp (SON), ceramic metal halide lamp (CDM), etc.) is required to be provided when deemed necessary (e.g. LM79, LM80, Ingress protection test, etc.).
  3. The provide lighting source shall meet the requirement as stipulated in the latest “Public Lighting Design Manual” by the Highways Department.
Expected Outcome Measurement and verification on the benefits of fluid cooled heatsink LED technology that brings along
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Wong Cheuk San
Position:Project Officer/ E&M and BS Technology Development/ 2
Tel:6909 7389
Email: cswong@emsd.gov.hk
Upload Date 2022-01-25
Closing Date 2022-02-08